new releases

Podcast Listening with Tea & Strumpets!

If you haven’t discovered the delights of listening to friends talk about books they’re reading or authors they’re grooving on yet, you’re in for a treat.

Coming up is an interview with Maya Rodale on the topic of her non-fiction title, “Dangerous Books For Girls: The Bad Reputation of Romance Novels Explained: Expanded Edition.

Tea & Strumpets is a podcast dedicated entirely to Historical Romance!

Join friends Zoe and Kelsey each episode as they discuss all the steamy (and sometimes tepid) details of the Regency Romance genre. And since the regency technically only lasted 9 years, generally we're talking post-wigs but pre-telephone! Find us wherever you download podcasts!

The Regency Reader

Keeping up with regency releases is easy with The Regency Reader, a free newsletter published by The Beau Monde (an RWA chapter). Sign up to receive monthly updates with new titles and other opportunities and discussions of  interest to fans of the regency period.